
VRS Railway Industry is a subsidiary company of Vialis bv. Vialis ensures that passengers keep moving safely, efficiently and in an environmentally-friendly way. Vialis' innovative solutions keep the passenger informed as he is on his way, ensuring greater safety on the road and on the track and directing traffic safely and efficiently. Sustainability is always paramount both when it comes to saving the environment and the future stability of solutions. To be able to guarantee long term solutions, management and maintenance are an important part of Vialis' service.


Originally Vialis focussed primarily on providing reliable products and responsive (maintenance) services. Now Vialis also provides services and systems in the mobility market (road, rail and water). But that's not all. Clients are not just interested in the features of the technical product and the purchase price but also in the costs throughout its lifespan and of the actual contribution to a better environment and long term returns for our mobile society.

Vialis meets these demands by offering a guarantee of predictable costs throughout the lifespan and with built-in flexibility under changing circumstances. Services are provided by Vialis together with clients and partners be it road safety, transport services, infrastructure, multi modal travel information, payment or dynamic traffic management.

Vialis is one of the subsidiaries of Volker Wessels, a closely cooperating group of companies at home and abroad and partner in the organisation of society regarding areas of construction, mobility, energy and communication facilities and in development, design, implementing, managing and operating.