VRS Railway Industry was originally based in Alkmaar and has developed and produced rail safety systems since 1879. The company was establishing originally as Yzer- en Metaalgieterij (AY). In 1935 the name changed to Nederlandse Machinefabriek Alkmaar (NMA). In 1960 the Philips-concern, impressed by the high quality of the then NCA swallowed up the company. When Philips rejected the company again during a major downsizing in 1991, the then director took over the company shares. In 1997 they moved to Broek op Langedijk.

For reasons of increasing competition and market expansion in the world of rail NMA holdings increasingly felt the need to look for a solid and complimentary business partner. They found it - but only after its acquisition by VolkerWessels - in the Haarlem based business Nederland Haarlem, a reputed company in the field of traffic control equipment. VolkerWessels had the business however, when it was renamed Vialis. Under the same umbrella Vialis also housed all the branch Traffic & Industrial systems of the ER Group in Zeist. This business was named ElectroRail in 1948 and established by Dutch Rail to rebuild what had been destroyed during the war.
In 2001 70 % of NMA shares were sold to the Vialis group (the remaining 30% in 2005). Vialis NMA was born. Based on the activities on the locations it was subsequently decided to name the division in Broek op Langedijk, Railway Signalling and that in Zeist, Zeist Rail systems. After both businesses moved to Houten in 2007 they were merged and renamed Vialis Railway Systems.

From the 1st of October 2013 the operations of Vialis Railway Systems accommodated a new legal entity, namely: VRS Railway Industry bv. The VRS Railway Industry strategy is focused on expanding through internationalisation of rail operations. Given the long history of its rail operations whereby takeovers, mergers and restructuring have been conducted, it was decided to start up a new business, one which had a greater autonomy within Vialis. In this way faster and more efficient responses can be made to market opportunities that successfully implement our strategy.